OT sets up an R&D center in South Korea to foster smartphone services

Connected consumer electronic devices are flourishing, transforming the consumer experience, thus substantially increasing the need for both secure connectivity and secure transactions. In its new R&D center of excellence, OT will capitalize on its recognized expertise and leadership in these fields and keep innovating in close collaboration with OEMs. With embedded security software as a starting point, OT manages the critical security keys and credentials of its clients and offers end-to-end digital security solutions to OEMs and their partner service providers including:

  • PEARL by OT®, the most advanced multi-application eSE offering the largest memory on the market and allowing easy deployment of secure contactless payment, transit and loyalty applications as well as secure access to online services for enterprise and consumer markets. It is currently deployed in more than 160M units worldwide in today’s most advanced and popular flagship smartphones.
  • OT’s Universal Credential Platform (UCP), a comprehensive offer securing payment diversity, is the first universal platform that enables Financial Institutions to issue, secure and manage their digital credentials across multiple form factors and devices in a secure way. It is designed to address the challenges and opportunities of today’s and tomorrow’s digital payments space.
  • eUICC and Subscription Management, an end-to-end connectivity solution allowing Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to remotely download, activate and change a mobile subscription in connected objects. It enables OEMs to produce objects independent of the destination country and network, while ensuring privacy and security of MNO credentials.

OT has developed strong and privileged relationships with handset makers, in particular with Samsung. Over 3 generations of Samsung handsets, including the flagship Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge, are equipped with PEARL by OT®. OT has also been the first partner selected by Samsung for the launch of the Samsung Pay service in Europe, which will allow Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge owners to use their smartphone for contactless payments. Combining its unmatched experience in the secure provisioning of payment means and other services with PEARL by OT®, OT is connecting its OEM partners to a large ecosystem of service providers worldwide.

“By opening this new R&D center in South Korea, our 12th worldwide and the 4th in Asia, we prove that not only digital security and innovation are at the core of OT’s DNA, but also that client proximity is a top priority for us. Moving closer to Samsung, one of our strategic and long-term partners, will help us shape tomorrow’s solutions for secure mobile services,” said Didier Lamouche, CEO of OT.



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