Panama Chooses Consortium led by Morpho for e-Passport Solution

The state-of-the-art e-Passports will feature laser-engraved data pages made of polycarbonate, the most resistant material on the market today. They will enable Panama to offer an enhanced level of security to its citizens by safeguarding against identity theft, protecting privacy and ensuring secure identification of passport holders. The first passports are expected to be issued in early 2013.

“We chose Morpho based on its sound experience in identity management, biometrics and secure electronic documents. This is a key project for Panama and we are confident in Morpho’s ability to deliver a secure solution that meets industry standards” stated Carmen A. Bernárdez, Panama’s National Passport Director.

“Morpho has delivered advanced biometric systems in 18 Latin American countries to date. We are very enthusiastic about supporting Panama’s government in its move to implement a modern and highly secure passport solution”, stated Jean-Paul Jainsky, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Morpho.

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