Philippe Geyres, Oberthur Card Systems‘ new CEO

Jean-Pierre Savare, Chairman, is delighted to announce the strengthening of Oberthur Card Systems’ senior management team: „“The transition between the executives has been smooth. Oberthur Card Systems will continue to optimize its operations with a view to improving its efficiency and profitability. Philippe Geyres is recognized by the industry for his expertise in telecoms and semiconductors. He brings to the Group a strong track record in management acquired internationally with large companies. I am delighted that he has agreed to put his energy and competence at the service of our Group. I have every confidence that by pursuing the efforts of industrial rationalisation and geographical expansion already initiated by Oberthur Card Systems, he will boost our operations in emerging regions, consolidate our strengths in our chosen markets and enhance our position in the highly competitive area of innovation, over the long term.““ Philippe Geyres, 54, a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique (1973), started his career with IBM before joining Schlumberger in 1980. He subsequently worked for the subsidiary of the group, Fairchild Semiconductors in the USA, for two years. In 1983, he joined Thomson Semiconducteurs, (which became SGS-Thomson and then STMicroelectronics), where he managed business units and later Group Products. He also spent several years at corporate strategy when he also held direct responsibility for legal matters and public relations. In 2004, he was appointed Executive Vice President Home Personal Communication Group, member of the executive committee, in which capacity he was responsible for Group Products in the areas of telecommunications applications (infrastructure and equipment) and consumer electronics. He was directly responsible for 4000 employees and a turnover of over 2.5 billion euros. Philippe Geyres said: „“Leading a company like Oberthur Card Systems, which is active in a highly innovative, fast-growing and extremely competitive sector, is an exciting new challenge. During more than 20 years at STMicroelectronics, I have observed the emergence and participated in the development of the smart card market and I am familiar with the technology. Today, it is with enthusiasm and determination that I take the helm of a company with great potential that has succeeded in distinguishing itself from the competition and whose long-term prospects are very promising.““ 

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