Plastic Card Enterprise Becomes OSPT Alliance Full Member

Konstantin Kouklev, CEO of Plastic Card Enterprise, comments: “Plastic Card Enterprise shares OSPT Alliance’s belief that open standards are key in driving the development and adoption of innovative automated fare collection technologies, applications and services. Becoming a member of such a cutting-edge alliance provides us with a great opportunity to gain experience in promoting an open, secure standard within the Ukrainian public transport market and lead it to the next generation of solutions and services.”

Plastic Card Enterprise is a well-established provider of cards and services for banks. Its activity in the non-financial card market will be expanded by the development of its new transport application. The company recognizes that the Ukrainian transit market has in recent years matured enough to no longer rely on single-source suppliers.

“Great changes are occurring in the Ukraine and there is an opportunity now to implement innovative market initiatives that will offer consumers convenient services,” adds Konstantin. “There is a readiness from both transit authorities and customers for effective, secure and state-of-the-art transport ticketing solutions.

“Our priority for the next year is to capitalize on this opportunity by implementing the CIPURSE open standard within the Ukrainian transit market. The sharing of ideas and participation within OSPT Alliance technical groups will prove invaluable in achieving this goal.”

OSPT Alliance’s Executive Director, Laurent Cremer concludes: “We are delighted to be working with Plastic Card Enterprise to advance adoption of the CIPURSE open standard in Europe. We look forward to benefitting from its holistic knowledge of both smart card manufacturing and development processes and supporting its efforts in the Ukrainian transit market.”

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