Precise Biometrics signs agreement with Oberthur for secure fingerprint

“The rapid growth of mobile payments is increasing the demand for secure mobile authentication. Our industry leading capabilities in providing high performance fingerprint solutions for platforms with limited processing power and memory enables new use cases where convenient and secure authentication is needed. The cooperation with OT is a big step in taking such solutions to market and securing users digital identity”, said Håkan Persson, CEO of Precise Biometrics.

“While the use of biometric data today appears as the most efficient way to authenticate users, it also raises new security challenges. It is therefore critical to combine the most advanced technologies to protect users’ biometrics. The partnership with Precise Biometrics allows us to further increase security in mobile, M2M and IoT devices by integrating the industry´s leading fingerprint recognition software in our PEARL by OT® offering.”, said Marc Bertin, CTO of OT.

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