Rémy De Tonnac heads Inside Contactless

„“I am very proud to be offered the superb challenge to lead a high potential company and great team““ adds Rémy de Tonnac. „“For the last 10 years, what has made Jacek Kowalski and Inside stand out is the foresight in recognizing the potential of the technology years before others and the drive and dedication to achieve this vision. Inside has the unique opportunity to become a world leader in a fast growing and pervasive industry. Today millions of contactless smart cards are issued around the world to facilitate payments, transit and access control, tomorrow our technology will be found in mobile phones, PCs, PDAs… to enable users to access content and services intuitively by simply touching smart objects.““ „“Remy has been my personal friend for over 18 years, he has more than 10 years market penetration experience acquired as CEO Gemplus Asia and US, and for the last 4 years has been Inside’s Chairman. I believe that Remy is the right person to move the company to the next stage and to position Inside as the leading chip supplier in these markets”: says Jacek Kowalski.““ gmiallet@insidefr.com www.insidecontactless.com 

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