Renesas Electronics Strengthens its SoC Business That Supports the Cloud-Computing Era

Since Renesas Electronics Corporation was formed on April 1, 2010 through a merger between NEC Electronics Corporation and Renesas Technology Corp., the company has considered ways to generate maximum synergies for its SoC business, both in the business direction and in its product portfolio. Leveraging the company’s advanced process technology and intellectual property (IP), solid design implementation capabilities, and a long-term supply capacity as competitive advantages, Renesas Electronics will be focusing on social infrastructure business that is expected to expand to various fields. In particular, Renesas Electronics’ 1st SoC Business Unit will concentrate its business primarily on the network and industrial infrastructures that support the cloud computing society, a society that provides various service applications through the internet via numerous devices including PCs, smartphones and mobile handsets. Renesas Electronics expects the network and industrial infrastructures to grow and will be able to provide robust products for these markets to further expand its global top-market shares based on existing strengths. By concentrating resources into the focused areas, Renesas Electronics aims to increase the annual sales of the SoC business by an average of approximately 5 to 7 percent per year from FY2010 to FY 2012, thereby expanding market shares in each focused area. 

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