Report “Government eID in South-East Asia” shows Identity market dynamics in South East Asia

At the same time, most countries in the region are setting up national electronic ID card projects. Given various stages of development, and some aggressive programs aiming at equipping the whole population of some countries within 18 months, Smart Insights anticipates there will be over 350 million eID cards installed in 2017. In addition, around 70 million driving licenses will be in issue. This Smart Insights Report includes a detailed analysis of each project as well as market data and 5-year forecasts. Moreover, the report includes information about standardization and vendors profiles.

“Studying eID cards in South East Asia, we’ve realized that many countries are developing huge technology-intensive eID projects, while others are just starting future development plans for ePassports“, said Artur Khakimov, industry analyst with Smart Insights and author of the report.

“eID projects, along with eGovernment programs play a central role in the evolution of governance in the region for an increased level of service to the populations”, added Thierry Spanjaard, CEO of Intelling, and head of Smart Insights Reports.

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