Samsung SDS to deploy Morpho’s facial recognition technology for online authentication

High-performance face recognition technology is utilized worldwide for a wide range of applications – for instance, using the built-in camera of a smartphone, tablet or computer to replace passwords for device and user account access. The face recognition technology provided by Morpho to Samsung SDS offers all the benefits of leading biometric technology implemented into consumer devices, including embedded liveness detection, which ensures that the face submitted is really captured from a live user and not, for example, a stored photo. Users can benefit from a highly secure, password-free experience to log into apps, approve transactions, log into websites and many more application possibilities.

Yves Portalier, Vice President and General Manager, Telecom Business Unit at Morpho, is convinced of the massive potential of this FIDO (Fast Identity Online)-based solution: “The growth of mobile business services is clearly making life easier for all users, but it can only be steadily deployed by ensuring reliable and strong online authentication methods to avoid fraud. Morpho’s face recognition technology is leading a new generation of trustworthy user verification methods for mobile devices and easily replaces traditional techniques such as passwords – based on a simple selfie.”

James Choi, Vice President, Mobile Payment Business, Samsung SDS announced:

“As a result of the integration of Morpho’s technology, the Samsung SDS FIDO solution, previously available with fingerprint capability, is now enhanced with face authentication. By adding face recognition technology to our FIDO solution, we will be able to deliver enhanced value to our enterprise customers to accelerate market penetration. Morpho’s technology enables any smartphone on the market with cutting edge face recognition with liveness detection, which is key to providing a safe and easy authentication method to all end users, and can work as a second factor on smartphones equipped with fingerprint sensors.”


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