SIMalliance Announces Board for 2014 / 15

The Board members appointed to the two rotating Board seats, which are open to all SIMalliance members and voted for by members present at the association’s Annual General Meeting, are:

  • Alencar Nunes da Silva Junior, Telecom New Business, Products and Solutions Superintendent at VALID, and;
  • Michele Scarlatella, Central Marketing Director, Incard Division, MMS Group at STMicroelectronics

Both Alencar and Michele have been re-elected to the SIMalliance Board, and will serve a one year term.

The four permanent SIMalliance Board seats, retained by the founding SIMalliance member organisations, will continue to be served by:

  •  Frédéric Vasnier, Executive Vice President, Embedded Software and Products Business Group Manager, Gemalto (SIMalliance Chairman)
  • Christian Lefebvre, Telecom Product Line Director, Oberthur Technologies
  • Michael Meyer, Head of Innovation and Alliances, Giesecke & Devrient 
  • Yves Portalier, VP & General Manager, Telecom, Morpho

Frédéric Vasnier, SIMalliance Chairman, comments: “There will be significant developments in the SE industry over the next twelve months. HCE is acting as a catalyst for NFC deployments globally and since there is a valuable role for the SIM to play in the delivery of high-value NFC services, SIMalliance will continue to support MNOs as they attempt to facilitate third party access to their subscribers, via NFC-enabled SIMs.

“It is important that service providers who wish to take advantage of the enhanced security and user experience features offered by SE-NFC solutions can do so simply and effectively. With an engaged and experienced Board in place, SIMalliance is in a strong position to respond quickly and positively to evolving market conditions and to ensure that SIMalliance continues to offer the right type of technical support to MNOs as they work to simplify NFC deployments across mobile networks and international borders.”

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