SIMalliance Announces Board for 2015-16

Both Alencar and Michele have been re-elected to the SIMalliance Board, and will serve a one year term.

The four permanent SIMalliance Board seats, retained by the founding SIMalliance member organisations, will continue to be served by

  • Hervé Pierre, Embedded Software & Products (E&P), Senior Director, Strategy, Gemalto  
  • Christian Lefebvre, Telecom Product Line Director, Oberthur Technologies
  • Michael Meyer, Head of Innovation and Alliances, Giesecke & Devrient 
  • Yves Portalier, VP & General Manager, Telecom – Morpho

Hervé Pierre, SIMalliance Chairman, comments: “The year ahead promises to be a very active one within the secure element (SE) industry. The architecture of smartphones will continue to evolve, largely driven by developments in the NFC landscape. Beyond the SIM, we will see additional SEs controlled by handset manufacturers being integrated into mobile handsets.  Additionally, new models of subscription distribution and management will impact ecosystems and business models, while putting the SIM industry in a pivotal new role.

“With an experienced Board in place, the organisation is well positioned to respond to these emerging market requirements to ensure SE technologies remain relevant and continue to add value to the delivery of secure mobile applications and services across all connected devices. By identifying and addressing SE-related technical issues, and both clarifying and recommending existing technical standards relevant to SE implementation, the SIMalliance aims to promote an open SE ecosystem to facilitate and accelerate delivery of secure mobile applications globally.”

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