SIMalliance Chairman Re-elected for 2016-17

Hervé, who currently serves as Embedded Software & Products (E&P) Senior Director, Strategy, within Gemalto, comments: “It promises to be an active year ahead for SIMalliance. The organisation is well positioned to respond to a number of real-time developments which look set to significantly impact the secure mobile services industry, such as the definition of 5G and the increasing implementation of embedded SIMs (eSIMs).

“While it is still early days for 5G, security and privacy will continue to be key requirements as the range of attack targets likely to increase. However, it is inevitable that security requirements will vary significantly, according to individual use cases across multiple key segments, such as massive IoT, critical communications, mobile broadband and network operations. To support ongoing industry-wide 5G standardisation activities, SIMalliance will continue to lead efforts to define and assess diverse security requirements across various market segments, and recommend that security appropriate to relevant use cases is built into 5G standards from the outset.

“A further evolution of the industry is being driven by the proliferation of eSIMs in connected consumer and machine to machine (M2M) devices. While eSIMs still require a physical dedicated container that could be soldered in the device, remote SIM provisioning capabilities are transforming production and logistic processes but also business models across the ecosystem. To address this transformation, SIMalliance will continue to collaborate with industry stakeholders, to ensure that as the ecosystem expands and becomes more dynamic, it not only supports new business models, but also continues to place security at its very core.
“I look forward to working with my Board colleagues in the year ahead as we collaborate to address these evolutions in the marketplace, with the overall goal of accelerating the delivery of secure mobile applications globally.”

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