Singapore’s Smart Nation tests Giesecke & Devrient’s seamless switching cellular technologies

During the trial, G&D will install the eSIM in some of PUB’s utility sensors, to replace existing SIM cards. These sensors will continue to collect field data and send it via the mobile network to PUB’s server for monitoring and analysis. The Remote eSIM Management system will allow these sensors to be technically switched between mobile network operator (MNO) networks without direct physical intervention whenever required. One potential use is the switching of telcos networks upon expiry of the mobile network contract. All three local MNOs – M1, Singtel and StarHub – will participate in the trial, ensuring the highest level of network coverage during the process. G&D will be responsible for coordinating with all partners.

The trial will also help IMDA better understand the capabilities and challenges of the Remote eSIM Management system.
Ms Aileen Chia, Assistant Chief Executive and Director-General (Telecoms and Post), IMDA, said, “The trial will explore the viability of using eSIMs to enable always-on, machine-to-machine communications without the hassle of having to physically replace SIM cards when switching operators.”

The project has the potential to have a lighthouse character for the region because one of the outcomes might be that regulation changes may be necessary.

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