Smart Card-Centric ID Solution for Patients in New York

The Brooklyn NY.-based, 305 bed teaching hospital, which offers emergency care as well as outpatient services to more than 75,000 visitors annually, needed a way to speed up patient registration and assist in providing accurate, updated admissions information. “We are constantly looking for ways to make the patient experience a positive one,” said Rajiv Garg Wyckoff’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “Offering an easier way to see their doctor is just the tip of the iceberg- being able to quickly verify the patient’s identity and provide error-proof registration in seconds is the real benefit.” Oberthur Technologies will provide Wyckoff enrollment work stations and its Personal Identification Verification (PIV)-based, ID-OneÔ Cosmo smart card, the same card used by millions of Americans to secure their personal identifiable information. “We’re providing Wyckoff a proven, interoperable, non proprietary platform on which to build a patient centric, Health-IT infrastructure,” said Patrick W. Hearn, Oberthur’s VP of Government and Identification Markets – America’s. “Teaming up with Smart Association allows Oberthur to offer an end-to-end solution that utilizes our standards-driven tools with an intuitive patient admissions software program. It will now allow Health care institutions to provide the proper level of authentication to protect patient privacy.” “By utilizing LifeMed software with Oberthur Technologies, our clients increase administrative efficiencies and patient satisfaction by allowing them to carry and securely transmit their personal medical information on a proven smart card. In addition, organizations that have used LifeMed have seen a return on investment within 8-16 months of installation by reducing duplicate records, record errors, medical fraud, admissions paper and other administrative costs,” said David Batchelor, CEO of Smart Association. 

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