Smart Insights: Invisible Payments to Contribute to Over 25% of all Electronic Transactions by 2021

Looking to the payments industry as a whole, Smart Insights analyzes the main trends shaping the payments landscape in the last years, as well as retail. Focusing on the needs identified in the market, drivers and constraints for the implementation of invisible payment systems are presented, while highlighting the potential benefits for multiple stakeholders.
The Smart Insights Report: „Invisible payments key to omni-channel commerce,“ forecasts payments mix of electronic transactions (in billion transactions), retail sales (in-store, mCommerce and eCommerce) and retail sales‘ payment mix (in EUR trillion) from 2016 until 2021. Total electronic transactions are forecasted to reach 721.3 billion by the end of the forecast period.

Thierry Spanjaard, CEO of Smart Insights declares: „Invisible payments are about to revolutionize the payments industry. After succeeding in making the smart card the most common paying tool, the secure transactions industry introduced mobile payments and is now shifting to payment without any physical support.“
Silvana Pintão, industry analyst for Smart Insights and author of the report adds: „Invisible payment is about to make payments frictionless and frustration-free for all stakeholders.“

The Smart Insights Report „Invisible payments key to omni-channel commerce“ is available here.

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