Smart Insights publishes a new White Paper “The smart world behind the UAE”

In the last years, the UAE has experienced strong economic growth, attracting many companies to the region with its innovative positioning and ambition to become the largest technological hub in the EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa) region and in the world.

The card industry has experienced several innovations in the last years. The number of payment cards in circulation in the UAE increased by 15% in 2013. Contactless and NFC payments have also gained momentum, and the online trade market has contributed to the growth of the region’s cards and payments industry. Meanwhile, the UAE is engaged into a program to build a chip manufacturing hub in the country by 2030.

The UAE ID project is one of the most ambitious ID projects in the world. It is expected that the ID card will at some stage replace all current identification means such as labor permit, driving license, etc. The card also gives access to all the websites of government departments. Additionally, the UAE is also one of the countries with the largest number of eGates available in its airports.

All of this, and a lot more, is described in Smart Insights White Paper “The smart world behind the UAE”. The White Paper can be downloaded free of charge here.


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