SmartPhones can download new subscriptions into IoT and consumer devices fitted with embedded SIMs

G&D continues to develop applications using it’s AirOn™ technology which help operators to increase revenue by getting more return from their network investments. In future, more and more IoT and consumer devices such as wearables, tablets, eBook readers or in-car entertainment systems will be equipped with an embedded SIM. Those SIMs may not hold any operator profile but may be “empty” when first used by the consumer. Typically consumers wish to connect those devices to a network but without the need to sign up for a new data plan or to visit the operator‘s retail store. With G&D’s solution, mobile network connections can be obtained in very simple way.

By using a user friendly interface running on the consumer’s existing SmartPhone, the new device and the SmartPhone will be paired e.g. via Bluetooth. In future this pairing mechanism will be possible by simply tapping the Smartphone onto the new device using NFC technology. In the second step, the SmartPhone requests a new subscription and immediately downloads this “companion” subscription from their MNO over the mobile network, transfers it via the SmartPhone right into the new device, and activates it. G&D calls this new SIM profile the AirOn™ SIM. While G&D already provides several commercial Subscription Management solutions within the M2M market with leading MNO partners, this innovation shows the full potential of such technology to drive IoT connectivity via mobile networks.


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