STMicroelectronics announces new Appointments in the Executive Management Team

Jean-Marc Chery, Executive Vice-President, will take the additional responsibility of General Manager, Digital Sector, while maintaining his current role of Executive Vice-President, Chief Technology and Manufacturing Officer.

As a consequence of Chery’s expanded responsibilities, Eric Aussedat, General Manager, Imaging and Bi-CMOS ASICs Group; Joel Hartmann, Corporate Vice President, Front-end Manufacturing & Process R&D, Digital Sector, and Philippe Magarshack, Corporate Vice President, Design Enablement & Services, are promoted to Executive Vice Presidents while maintaining their previous scope of activities; Stéphane Delivré, Corporate Vice President, Global Chief Information Officer, will now report to the President & CEO. Philippe Lambinet, Executive Vice President, Corporate Strategy Officer and General Manager, Digital Sector is leaving the company to pursue other interests.

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