„Tap Into NFC“ to Support Developer Community

The program kicks off with the launch of the „Tap Into NFC“ website, which includes a revolving product showcase in which NFC developers can share their applications with their peers. To celebrate the launch, the NFC Forum will host a Twitter contest October 16-23. Using #Tapin2NFC, developers are invited to share what they like most about the program and site, including favorite products from the product showcase. A winning tweet will be selected at random and the winner will receive an NFC-enabled wearable device

The first products featured in the NFC Product Showcase include:

  • NFC Ring — The NFC Ring can be used to unlock doors and mobile phones, transfer information, and link people.
  • INTERACT — A mobile app that allows event attendees to use their smartphones to capture contacts and content during events.
  • MapYourTag — A mobile app that enables companies to track, manage, and get traceability of their assets, equipment, tools, etc. for affordable and reliable inventory status.
  • AppNearMe’s MicroNFCboard — A development board that makes it especially easy to build NFC-enabled devices.
  • TapTrack’s Mobile ePassport Scanner — The mobile ePassport scanner is an accessory for phones, tablets, and laptops that can turn any of these devices into a passport or eID scanning and verification tool.
  • Tapcentive — An in-location mobile engagement platform that is transforming how businesses drive foot traffic and engage their customers by connecting the digital and physical worlds with mobile, through the use of NFC and BLE powered touchpoint devices.

Developers are invited to submit their products for consideration in the new NFC Product Showcase.




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