TSYS Reports 2012 Earnings Per Share Up 13.1%

Operating margin excluding reimbursable items for the year was 22.1%, an increase of 117 basis points over last year. The increase is attributable to a 5.0% increase in revenues before reimbursable items, while expenses before reimbursable items were up only 3.5%.

“We are pleased to report that we exceeded the high end of our net income and EPS guidance for 2012. These results reflect continued strong same client transaction growth of 12.0% in our card issuer processing business. Point-Of-Sale transactions, excluding deconverted clients in the indirect merchant business, were up 9.9% and sales volume in the direct merchant business was up 12.9%. Excluding the impact of acquisitions, sales volume was up 3.2%. Also contributing to our strong results was our consolidated internal revenue growth of 5.1% for the year, combined with acquisitions in the acquiring space, which added 1.8% to our growth in revenues before reimbursable items,” said Philip W. Tomlinson, chairman and chief executive officer of TSYS.



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