World’s First Biometrically Authenticated Wearable Payment Using Your Heartbeat

The Nymi Band is a secure and continuous wearable authenticator that identifies a user based on their unique heartbeat (or electrocardiogram) through proprietary Nymi technology called HeartID™. Nymi has developed an NFC-enabled prototype of the Nymi Band for these pilots, which is linked to a user’s MasterCard. In doing so, participants can utilize the Nymi Band to make secure, contactless payments using Tap & Go™ payment terminals found at many retailers.

Karl Martin, Nymi’s Founder and CEO explains, „Nymi’s goal is to fundamentally change the way authentication is treated and to move industries towards a more secure and convenient identity model. By working with partners like TD and MasterCard, we are effectively demonstrating that continuous authentication can be a more secure and convenient way to make retail payments.“ 

Nymi and MasterCard collaborated with NXP, the world leader in secure chips for payment, to prototype NFC-enabled Nymi Bands based on NXP’s SmartMX Technology. Nymi, MasterCard and TD will continue working together to innovate in the financial technology space.

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