Zambia Police Service selects Morpho for the supply of an Automated Fingerprint Identification System

The Inspector General of Police for the Zambian Police Service, Stella Libongani, said: “In line with our modernization program, the implementation of the Automated Fingerprint Identification System will lead to improved service delivery to the citizens of Zambia. Not only will our investigators be empowered by the use of the latest technologies offered by the system but the ability to decentralize the services to all regions in Zambia which will dramatically improve turnaround times.”

Morpho has delivered customised solutions to 450 government agencies in 100 countries. In the Sub-Saharan African region, Morpho has successfully implemented similar solutions for the South African Police Service, the Botswana Police Service and the Policia de Investigação Criminal (Criminal Investigation Department ) in Mozambique. At the beginning of 2015, Morpho delivered a rapid DNA instrument to the Zambian Police Service, the first machine of its kind to be delivered by Morpho on the African continent.

Paul Jeremias, Managing Director for Morpho South Africa, commented: “Morpho prides itself in being the market leader in biometric security solutions and furnishing solutions supporting African police agencies. We are honored to begin a new partnership with the Zambian Police Service.”

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