ETSI and EIT ICT Labs join forces to boost ICT innovation in Europe

This initiative will focus on the standardization of results in various areas where both EIT ICT Labs and ETSI are developing activities, such as 5G, security & privacy, urban life and mobility and other areas of common interest. While the focus is on standardisation the collaboration may include joint research and education activities as well.

ETSI brings in experts from all stakeholders of the ICT world while the EIT ICT Labs co-location centers enable to bridge the gap between academia and industry. This will no doubt pave the way to a fruitful collaboration between both organizations and benefit ICT innovation at large.

“Bringing together ETSI and EIT ICT Labs respective communities and experts is a way to leverage standardization in Information and Communication Technology in Europe. Standards help to develop an eco-system for industry, covering diverse and broader markets, which in turn leads to growing and successful businesses” says Luis Jorge Romero, ETSI’s Director General.

“It is the mission of EIT ICT Labs to bring innovations to life. Standardization is an important tool in achieving this especially when it comes to platforms and infrastructure solutions that are going to be deployed at large and will affect the life of hundreds of millions of people. The collaboration with an established player like ETSI in this is a great value for EIT ICT Labs and Europe”, says Willem Jonker, CEO EIT ICT Labs.


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