GlobalPlatform Publishes ISO Framework

The document, titled: ‘GlobalPlatform Card Technology Card Specification – ISO Framework’ proposes a framework based on the GlobalPlatform Card Specification combining the latest ISO standards – ISO/IEC 7816-13, ISO/IEC 7816-4 and ISO/IEC 24727-2. The guidelines enable card manufacturers, service providers and application developers to conform to ISO standards when deploying implementations based on GlobalPlatform Specifications. The framework is the result of a collaboration with the InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) and is also fully compatible with its recently published INCITS 504-1 standard.

The framework can also be used to deploy multiple applications onto the same platform. “Increasingly, different vertical markets such as governments and banks are taking steps to deploy their services onto the platform of other service providers for the benefit of end-users,” comments Gil Bernabeu, Technical Director of GlobalPlatform. “Government platforms must be compatible with the latest ISO standards, yet, other service providers are not restricted by the same constraints. Therefore when governments and other markets converge on the same platform they cannot coexist due to the mandatory service requirements specified by ISO.

“GlobalPlatform’s ISO Framework ensures that both the latest ISO requirements and GlobalPlatform Specifications evolve in parallel. Card manufacturers, service providers and application developers are therefore able to use the framework to efficiently and cost effectively update and align applications with the ISO standard, thereby enabling the deployment of multiple applications on one ISO compliant platform.”

The publication of the ISO Framework is the second step GlobalPlatform has taken to align its internationally recognized industry standards with the needs of governments globally. The organization previously published a specific ID Configuration which brings GlobalPlatform Specifications into line with the cryptographic standard increasingly being stipulated by governments. As a next step, and to further support governments, GlobalPlatform is working on the publication of a Privacy Framework which will assist governments during their Privacy Impact Assessment Process. This document will be published later in the year.


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