Bell ID Joins Mobey Forum

Bell ID’s chip lifecycle management software enables banks, mobile network operators and other entities to manage mobile near field communication services and devices, in addition to EMV chip payment cards and other tokens.

“HCE is receiving a lot of press at the moment and is a big talking point for our members,” adds Sirpa Nordlund, Executive Director of Mobey Forum. “Bell ID is a recognised specialist in this area so we welcome its expertise and contribution to further the understanding of the Mobey Forum membership.”

Pat Curran, Executive Chairman of Bell ID, comments: “With HCE coming to the fore, the time was right to join Mobey Forum. With the payment systems working to bring standards forward and Google withdrawing support for physical secure elements, HCE is no longer hype but a credible alternative route to market. As one of the first to market with a cloud-based payments platform, and a background in EMV card management and trusted service management, we look forward to sharing our knowledge and expertise with Mobey Forum.”


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