Eurosmart General Assembly confirms objectives and ambitions

• Marc Bertin (Oberthur Technologies), reelected Chairman for a second mandate • Oyvind Rastad (Gemalto) and Thomas Froschmeier (Giesecke & Devrient) newly elected Vice-Chairmen • Dr. Helmut Gassel (Infineon), reelected as Treasurer for a third mandate Bruno Dupont as Secretary General is also part of the Bureau but with no voting right. Eurosmart Chairman underlined 2009 key achievements to promote the Smart Security Industry and delivered a vision for future developments. Among the priorities for 2010, the General Assembly decided: • To launch a new Task Force on Biometry to elaborate a vision of the Biometric technology state of the art and best use cases, as well as technical choices of implementation when in combination with Smart card technology. The approach of the Task Force will be to explain Biometrics and its applications; • To develop a vision on the “Internet of Things”: a digitalized world will require more security, as well as privacy and data protection; • To strengthen the mission of education through high level trainings on the latest innovative ICTs, starting with Machine-to-Machine sessions; • To keep promoting interoperability and European standards; • To improve security certification by pushing for the convergence of certification schemes and developing guidelines on security levels. Eurosmart 2009-2010 Activity Report is available on  

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