FIME’s acquirer test tool first to achieve EMVCo Level 3 qualification

EMVCo’s L3 testing processes aim to combine the techn ical achievements of each payment scheme’s specific testing requirements and simplify the complexities acquirers face in achieving terminal integration certification across all brands. The standard for the L3 Card Simulator tool component is the first milestone of this project. As the first test tool to receive this qualification, Savvi is enabling acquirers globally to benefit from automated testing and enhanced operational efficiency.

“Savvi gives the acquiring community a single, simple and automated testing solution. As specifications evolve so do our tools, so that our customers are always right up to date,” comments Raphaël Guilley, Vice President at FIME. “This world-first qualification is a testament to this commitment. This new EMVCo Level 3 test tool process simplifies each payment brand certification process, speeding up test projects and minimizing unwanted delays during formal certification.”

FIME is an industry-recognized EMV implementation partner. In addition to the Savvi Test Platform, FIME’s experts offer a complete project test service, technical consulting for payment system requirements and terminal-integration training for developers and testers. Find out more.

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