Gemalto Surpasses Ten Million Milestone for e-Driver’s Licenses Delivered to India

The e-Driver’s License incorporates a microprocessor that securely stores the driver’s data, protecting citizens against identity theft. In addition, it contains information on the driver’s history which is expected to contribute to a reduction in car accidents. Similarly, statutory data about the vehicle, its registration, its owner, vehicle insurance and pollution control certification is stored in the microprocessor embedded in the e-Registration Certificate card. In addition to delivering digital security and convenience, implementing these e-documents provides considerable administrative efficiency and greater transparency for the authorities. With the country’s rapid growth, there is an increasing need for expansion of this solution to more states in India. “We are proud to have reached this 10-million milestone in India,” commented Mr. Tan Teck-Lee, President of Gemalto Asia. “India has at least 110 million drivers in a population of 1.15 billion people and we look forward to assisting the Indian authorities in the continued success of this process.” Gemalto is also deploying Driver’s Licenses in Australia, El Salvador, Finland, Mexico, Norway and Sweden. 

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