GlobalPlatform Launches Security Task Force

„Security is not about making something bigger or stronger,“ explains Jon Geater, Chair of the Security Task Force. „These concepts are comforting but are meaningless on their own: security is far more contextual than that. Our work is about bringing GlobalPlatform’s spectrum of specifications together in a way that best defends real assets from real threats in real devices and systems.“

The task force has been created in response to the increasing number of secure and trusted services that are being deployed on devices such as smartphones that contain often under-utilized secure chip technology, but need to be protected. The group’s immediate priorities are to develop white papers to communicate GlobalPlatform’s role in the security ecosystem and to host GlobalPlatform security workshops with industry representatives to explore the management of secure and non-secure applications on a mobile device. In order to achieve its goals, the group will also facilitate discussions regarding security requirements for devices incorporating secure chip technology and actively contribute to industry efforts to streamline security certification. The group is currently made up of 42 GlobalPlatform Member companies.

Jon continues: „This group will not be creating any new technology but will instead focus on advancing the security and utility of GlobalPlatform Specifications in meeting the evolving and, at times, complex needs of the user. To achieve this we are evaluating the security challenges faced and analyzing how to leverage our arsenal of secure chip specifications to create appropriate levels of defense for each use case. ”  

To participate in GlobalPlatform’s security discussions please visit 


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