Mobey Forum Appoints CaixaBank Head of Mobile Payments as Chairman

Sirpa Nordlund, Executive Director of Mobey Forum, comments: “The Board is delighted to welcome Jordi as its new Chair. Within his role at CaixaBank, Jordi is responsible for developing mobile payment services. He also project managed Mobile Shopping Sitges, which was the first near field communication (NFC) trial in Spain. Jordi’s experience in mobile financial services, combined with CaixaBank’s reputation as a driving force in the mobile payments evolution, means he is perfectly positioned to steer the direction of Mobey Forum.”

In addition to Jordi, three new members were also elected to the Mobey Forum Board:

  • Kevin Faragher, Director, Mobile Banking Strategy and Planning, CIBC eChannels
  • Oriol Pons, Innovation Strategist, BeeOne GmbH (the digital innovation enterprise of Erste Group Bank)
  • Andreas Schauer, Senior Manager Secure Devices Division, Giesecke & Devrient

Kevin Faragher will also lead the association’s North American activities in his newly appointed role as Chair of Mobey Forum’s North American Roundtable.

“I believe 2014 will be a landmark year for banks taking a lead in money management”, adds Jordi. “Already we have seen a number of developments in the mobile money industry, most notably the discussions around HCE as a route to market for bank-led mobile payment solutions. This is a key topic for Mobey Forum over the next 12 months and is an area we are already addressing within the Business Workgroup. I look forward to offering the experience I have gained through leading digital money activities at CaixaBank, to drive the future of Mobey Forum.”


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