Morpho acquires TSM specialist Cassis International

TSM services enable mobile network operators and service providers to manage and implement secure credentials on a mobile device for applications such as mobile banking, mobile payment, transit and physical access to secure sites.

Following this acquisition, Morpho will be able to offer mobile network operators, banks, transit operators and governments a full architecture for secure solutions and services.

“I am very pleased to welcome our new colleagues from Cassis International. The combination of our complementary portfolios will position us to provide customers with comprehensive secure solutions in this fast-growing market, which is expected to reach several hundred million euros over the next five years,” explained Philippe d’Andréa, Executive Vice President Morpho, e-Documents Division.

“This is a good time for Cassis International to combine resources with Morpho, a leading global player in the security space. We share Morpho’s vision for the future of secured mobile applications and are excited that Cassis with Morpho will be a major enabler of mobile commerce,” said Tan Tiong Hian, Chairman of Cassis International.

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