SIMalliance has elected Remy Cricco to serve as the organisation’s Chairman

Remy, who became a SIMalliance Board member in 2016, succeeds Hervé Pierre as Chairman, who has recently retired from the SIMalliance Board. Hervé, who also represented Gemalto on the SIMalliance Board, held the position since 2014. As such, SIMalliance welcomes Philippe Masson, Vice President, Business Development and Industry Relations, as the new Gemalto Board member.

Commenting on his appointment, Remy said: “This is a very exciting time for our industry. Many new growth opportunities are emerging within the UICC, eUICC and embedded secure element (eSE) markets, thanks to the increasing need for security in a world that is ever more connected.”

Remy explains: “The IoT landscape is evolving rapidly and this will accelerate further with the advent of 5G and NarrowBand IoT (NB-IoT). The security and logistical challenges resulting from this dynamic ecosystem can be addressed by the secure element industry, whether through a UICC, eUICC or eSE. Indeed, the established and certifiable UICC/eUICC ecosystem, together with its remote management capabilities and underlying secure process landscape is already benefiting various IoT and M2M use cases, such as connected cars, wearables and utilities.

I look forward to working with my SIMalliance Board colleagues and wider membership over the coming year to facilitate and accelerate the delivery of secure connected services globally. A key priority will be to continue to define and assess differing security requirements within 5G and advocate that use case appropriate security is built into 5G standards from the very outset. We will also explore emerging integrated secure element solutions, which could potentially bring value to the ecosystem.”

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