SMARTRAC confirmed as market leader in government ID business

Commenting on the report, Clemens Joos, CEO at SMARTRAC, says “We are extremely pleased that our products have been adopted by so many governments worldwide, taking us to the no. 1 position in this market sector, especially after many years of investing in the development of secure, reliable and future-proof eID inlays. It’s a very welcome affirmation of the trust placed in SMARTRAC by so many government agencies, which typically demand the very highest standards from their suppliers.”

“SMARTRAC has been a pioneering manufacturer of contactless inlays and it is now expanding with multi-applications enablement to build out its portfolio and meet the future needs and demands of the government sector”, explains Phil Sealy, Senior Analyst, ABI Research.

SMARTRAC serves the government ID market through the deployment of eID inlays, which are used within e-passports, national ID cards, driver licenses, visa documents, healthcare, social security and permanent resident applications, covering pure contactless and dual interface solutions. Today, SMARTRAC is involved in more than 70 different eID government projects globally.


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