TSYS Named ‘Card Processor of the Year’ by Cards International

Will Cain, editor of Cards International at publisher VRL Financial News, said: “As winners of our Card Processor of the Year award for two of the last four years, it is clear the industry regards TSYS as one of the largest and most innovative card processors. TSYS’ strength in the U.S. and its continued commitment to expanding its footprint internationally has marked it out again as the leading business in this field.” The rationale for the TSYS award was outlined in a statement by the judging panel: “TSYS, already one of the world’s leading processors, demonstrated its commitment to innovation in 2009 with the introduction of two new card products. It also continued to expand its overseas business in key markets including Brazil and India. TSYS’ Hybrid Card allows credit cardholders to pay now or pay later from multiple checking accounts all on the same card. TSYS also introduced a private label card that can be redeemed for specific products, tracking the barcode data and allowing the issuer to specify which products can be bought with the card, which has obvious social disbursement applications.” www.tsys.com www.cardsinternational.com  

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